Good morning, Darjeeling!

After a 12 hour train ride came a 4 hour long car ride. Every few minutes, I’d look out of the window hoping to have reached my destination – but it felt like a never-ending car ride. Eventually, 5.5 hours later, I finally reached where I was supposed to be!

The weather wasn’t great, so I did not get very spectacular views, but I did enjoy my stroll at the nearby park and walking aimlessly down the narrow lanes. I got a feel of how the locals lived, and could see how little they needed to be contented – imagine living up in the hills where resources are so scarce, and how difficult it is to get things outside.

Hours later, my brain reminded me that I’d probably take double the time needed to get back (because I’ve been going down hill). 🙃 But everything was worth it. I realise I’m more willing to go all out to explore when I’m travelling alone, which is a good thing!

As usual, I couldn’t stop eyeing at all the yummy food stalls around, and made many excuses to reward myself with food 🤪

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